Saturday, March 29, 2014

M.Sc. Scholarship in Canada = Bioremediation, Mine Water Treatment and Geoenvironmental Engineering

The Department of Civil and Geological Engineering at the University of Saskatchewan, Canada is looking for highly motivated master students who want to participate in cutting-edge environmental research under the supervision of Dr. Won Jae Chang. Dr. Chang’s lab focuses on exploring innovative remedial processes and technologies for engineered and natural environments impacted by natural resource developments such as oil sands, gas and potash in Canada. Students will perform graduate research in the area of bioremediation, mine water treatment or permeable reactive barrier design. The research projects are funded by oil, gas and mining industries in Canada.
Graduate students in Dr. Chang’s lab will receive unique training in multidisciplinary research environments, such as the synchrotron-based facilities at the Canadian Light Source (, to experience the wide spectrum of environmental engineering research from the physicochemical to the microbiological aspects.
Qualifications: The candidates are required to have a bachelor degree in engineering (civil, environmental, biological/biotechnology), geological science, environmental microbiology, or in other closely related environmental engineering or science programs. Applicants must also meet the minimum requirements for admission into the University of Saskatchewan’s College of Graduate Studies and Research ( International students who are not from English-speaking countries must submit the results of English proficiency tests.
Starting date: Immediately, between May and July 2014 (earliest preferred)
Stipend: CAD$ 17,500 per year. Exceptional students can apply for additional funding through Department, University and NSERC scholarship programs.
How to apply: Send your CV, transcripts and contact information for three references to Dr. Won Jae Chang (

To apply, click the link below or copy and paste into your browser

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